
StahlDat SX | Register of European Steels


StahlDat SX

StahlDat SX is the only authorized publication of the European Steel Register and a continuously growing knowledge base for steel on the Internet.

Stahl-Eisen-Liste (Register of European Steels)

The Stahl-Eisen-Liste (Register of European Steels) is the official and current collection of all European steel grades, registred with their European matrial number (EN 10027-2) and referenced in European standards.

The Register of Steels also makes available links to European producers, their associated steel grades and product forms and trade names.

Steel Institute VDEh, the German Steel Federation within Stahl-Zentrum Düsseldorf represents the European Steel Registration entity and publishes their data in StahlDat SX exlusively.

The unique solution for many use cases

StahlDat brings current and official materials property data to different target audiences:

  • Procurement and trading in the field of semifinshed products made of steel
  • Quality and standards-departments of producers and users of steel
  • Design and technology experts in product development and production

Matglobe Metals Free

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Matglobe Metals Standard

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228,00 €

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StahlDat SX Institutional

Access for institutes
920,00 €

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Matglobe Metals Professional

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1188,00 €

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Register of European Steels

The Register of European Steels is the official and up-to-date list of all registered steel grades in European standards with their material numbers (EN 10027-2). The European Steel Register also contains all steel grades registered to the European Steel Registry, including trademarks of European manufacturers. The Steel Institute VDEh in the Steel Center Düsseldorf, as the central European steel registry, publishes this data exclusively in the StahlDat SX.

Register of European steels

According to classification in DIN EN 10020: 2000-07 contains the register of European steels

  • over 550 unalloyed and alloyed quality steels
  • over 450 stainless steels; heat-resistant and high-temperature resistant materials (RSH steels)
  • over 150 unalloyed stainless steels
  • over 1000 other alloyed stainless steels. In addition, these materials are linked with
  • over 150 European producers of steel and semi-finished products with corresponding trade names
  • over 350 international standards
  • For 450 selected materials are also thermophysical properties (properties as a function of temperature) available, for example: Elasticity modulus, thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, el. Resistance.
  • Pictures from the register of European steels

Sheet steel database

The reference with characteristic values ​​and raw data

In several joint projects of the steel and automotive industry “Development of material- and processing-compatible characteristic values ​​for thin sheet of normal and high-strength steels and stainless steels”, design-relevant parameters were determined under the direction of the Steel Institute VDEh on relevant body steels.


Contents are thousands of real traces and stress-strain diagrams:

  • Bulge exams
  • Dynamic tests
  • Elastic tests
  • Plastic test
  • Cyclic test
  • boundary shape change


The database contains the main sheet steel materials for vehicle construction, which are linked to the corresponding tests:

  • LC steels, IF steels
  • deep drawing steels
  • Bake-Hardening steels
  • Micro-alloyed steels
  • High strength steels
  • DP steels
  • TRIP steels
  • austenitic steels

The steels were investigated both in the initial state and in defined pre-deformation and heat-treatment conditions.

Hardenability curves

The underlying models are valid for a limited range of chemical composition, which is displayed with. Within the validity periods, the user can generate as many hardenability curves as they like and export them from the system - the standard display corresponds to the mean value analysis The hardenability calculation is part of the StahlDat SX standard version.

Calculation of hardenability

Calculate forehead quenching hardness (Jominy test) from the chemical analysis

All Steel Iron Test Sheet 1664 models: 2013 The Steel Iron Test Sheet SEP1664-2013 provides regression models for the calculation of hardenability for the following material groups:

  • Cr-tempered steels
  • CrMo tempered steels
  • MnCr insert steels
  • MnCr hardened steels higher strength
  • MnCrB tempered steels
  • MnCrB insert steels
  • CrNi insert steels
  • CrNiMo Case Steels (2003)
  • MoCr Case Steels (2012)
  • CrV tempering steel
  • C-tempered steels
  • CrB tempered steels
  • AFP steels
  • chain steels

TTT database

Data and literature for the heat treatment of steels Unlike the previous Stahldat, the new Stahldat SX contains a continuously growing number of TTT and TTA diagrams.

With the StahlDat SX TTT database, finding suitable data is particularly easy:

  • Search for chart type and austenitizing conditions
  • Search for names and chemical composition
  • Similarity search with ranking
  • Tabular comparisons of different diagrams

Flow curves database

More than 500 models for cold and hot forming

The flow curves were kindly provided by the Institute for Metal Forming of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. They are the result of decades of experience in this field and are also internationally regarded as a solid basis for the design of forming processes.

Flow curves

All flow curves are parametric models (Hensel-Spittel, IMF TU Freiberg) with the parameters temperature, degree of deformation and deformation rate. Within the scope of the validity of the models, any flow curves for steel can be generated and compared with each other. In addition, relationships with other steel data, e.g. chemical composition and thermophysical properties, with the extensive analytical capabilities of the StahlDat SX Professional. Flow curves characterize the forming behavior of steels. They serve as a basis for the calculation of forces and the workload during forming. For example, e.g. the result of a finite element simulation largely depends on the quality of the flow curves used. The flow curve is the representation of the yield stress as a function of the logarithmic main shape change at constant other parameters such as temperature and strain rate.

Flow curves are available for more than 150 steels for different microstructure states. The flow curve database is directly linked to the materials of the Register of European Steels.

Thermophysical data

based on the 100 steels program of Friedhelm Richter Investigated properties / measuring methods and measuring instruments


The density was determined by weighing in air and under water using a thermostated semi-microbalance.

Thermal expansion

For measuring the thermal expansion, i. the average linear thermal expansion coefficient and the differential linear thermal expansion coefficient, a specially constructed Dilatometermessplatz was used with vertical sample positioning.

Young’s modulus and transverse contraction number

The two elastic sizes, the modulus of elasticity and the transverse contraction number, were recorded by measuring the resonance frequencies of free-swinging rod-shaped samples. The “dynamic” quantities determined in this way can differ from the “static” sizes, in particular at higher temperatures, as determined in the tensile or bending test. For these investigations, the measuring arrangements with the designation “Elastomat” and “Tectanel” were available.

Specific heat capacity

An adiabatic calorimeter was used to determine the heat content and thus the true specific heat capacity and the average specific heat capacity. The recent studies used a dynamic power-difference calorimeter.

Specific electrical resistance

A specially constructed experimental setup allows the measurement of the specific electrical resistance. On rod-shaped samples, the specific electrical resistance in a thermostatted bath at 20 ° C can be determined. To determine the temperature dependence, thin sample plates are used, in which antiparallel Sägeschnitte be introduced to increase the electrical resistance.

Thermal conductivity

Based on the law of Wiedemann-Franz-Lorenz, the thermal conductivity can be calculated, especially if one has derived the coefficients in the relationship of heat conductance and resistance measurements on samples of the steel to be examined with the same or similar composition.

Thermal conductivity

From the determined values ​​of thermal conductivity, true specific heat capacity and density, the numerical values ​​for the thermal diffusivity result. For the direct measurement, the laser flash method was used for some steels.


Technical publications and knowledge in full text

FOSTA research reports

All digitally available FOSTA reports (> 100) are available in full text for StahlDat SX Professional users. The task of FOSTA is the promotion and projecting of application technology research and development on an immediate non-profit basis. Research partners of FOSTA are research institutes, universities, engineering offices and steel processing companies. Research priorities are:

  • Vehicle construction, forming technology, joining technology
  • Steel construction, bridge construction, composite construction, lightweight construction
  • environmental protection, composite structures
  • apparatus and container construction

Technical Standards

The Steel-Iron-Rules consists of more than 240 documents:

  • Steel Iron Plant Leaves (SEB)
  • Steel Iron Service Lists (SEE)
  • Steel Iron Delivery Conditions (SEL)
  • Steel Iron Test Sheets (SEP)
  • Steel-iron material sheets (SEW)
  • Standards and technical delivery conditions

Steel Information Fact sheets (SIZ)

The writings of this series give a concentrated overview of the variety of applications and the range of processing and processing methods of steel. For a better understanding they are extensively illustrated with photos and technical drawings. Some editions have been translated into English.

Reference books

The collection of time-temperature transformation diagrams (TTT) and time-temperature austenitizing diagrams (TTA) from the years 1958-1974, presented with the Heat Treatment Atlas, is a tremendous practical aid in the design of heat treatments even decades after their appearance.

In the first and third volume metrological methods, materials science basics as well as a variety of continuous and isothermal TTT diagrams are compiled.

The aim of the 3rd and 4th volumes is to provide the heat treatment specialist with documents that enable him to estimate the results of time-temperature processes in the rapid heating of steel, for example inductive heat treatment, with sufficient accuracy. The collection was published by the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research (MPIE) in collaboration with the Technical University of Berlin and the Materials Committee of the Steel Institute VDEH.

Precipitation Atlas of Steels

The “Precipitation Atlas of Steels” was put together as a joint effort by the working group electron microscopy of the Materials Committee of the Steel Institute VDEh. In a representation (600 pages), kept as short as possible by the text and image, the reader finds everything essential about the precipitations and their influences and associated analysis methods (SEM, TEM, etc.) that occur in certain steels and steel groups.


Aceros Inoxidables Olarra, S.A.
Aciers du Tarn
AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke
ArcelorMittal Commercial Sections S.A.
ArcelorMittal Ruhrort GmbH/ArcelorMittal Hochfeld GmbH
ArcelorMittal S.A.
Aubert & Duval
AUBERT & DUVAL Usine de Gennevilliers
AUBERT & DUVAL Usine d'Imphy
Badische Drahtwerke GmbH https://www.bdw−
Badische Stahlwerke GmbH https://www.bsw−
BENTELER Stahl/Rohr GmbH
BGH Edelstahlwerke GmbH
Böhler Bleche GmbH & Co. KG https://www.bohler−
BÖHLER Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG https://www.bohler−
Böhler Schmiedetechnik GmbH & Co. KG https://www.bohler−
BÖHLER-UDDEHOLM Precision Strip GmbH & Co. KG https://www.bohler−
Böllinghaus Portugal Aços Especiais, S.A.
Buderus Edelstahl GmbH https://www.buderus−
BWS Philipp Boecker + Wender Stahl GmbH & Co. KG https://www.b−w−
C. & F. vom Brocke Edelstahlwerk
C.D. Wälzholz https://www.cdw.de
Deutsche Nickel GmbH https://www.deutsche−
DEW Südwestfalen - (DEUTSCHE EDELSTAHLWERKE GmbH) https://www.dew−
Dörrenberg Edelstahl GmbH
Drahtwerk Luisenthal GmbH https://www.drahtwerk−
Drahtwerk St. Ingbert GmbH https://www.draht−
Duferco Clabecq S.A
Edelstahlwerk Chr. Höver & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG https://www.hoever−
Edelstahlwerk W. Ossenberg & Cie. GmbH https://www.edelstahlwerk−
Energietechnik Essen GmbH https://www.energietechnik−
Engineering Steel Belgium
Fábrica Nacional de Tubos Metalicos Oliva, S.A.
Friedr. Lohmann GmbH , Werk für Spezial- und Edelstähle https://www.lohmann−
Friedrich Wilhelms-Hütte GmbH
Georgsmarienhütte GmbH
Gustav Grimm Edelstahlwerk GmbH & Co. KG https://www.gustav−
Hagener Feinstahl GmbH , Edelstahlzieherei https://www.hagener−
Hammerwerk Erft G. Diederichs GmbH & Co. KG https://www.hammerwerk−
Hayes Lemmerz Werke GmbH , Walzwerk https://www.hayes−
Hoesch Schwerter Profile GmbH https://www.schwerter−
Hugo Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG https://www.vogelsang−
Ilsenburger Grobblech GmbH https://www.ilsenburger−
Karl Diederichs KG Stahl-, Walz- und Hammerwerk
Kind & Co., Edelstahlwerk, KG Standort Bielstein https://www.kind−
KSB Aktiengesellschaft
Lech-Stahlwerke GmbH https://www.lech−
MARTIN MILLER GmbH https://www.martin−
Mittalsteel Hamburg GmbH
Nedstaal Staal B.V.
Outokumpu Nirosta GmbH
Outokumpu Stainless Steel Oy
Ovako Bar Oy Ab
Peiner Träger GmbH
Platestahl Umformtechnik GmbH
Recknagel Präzisionsstahl GmbH
Remscheider Walz- und Hammerwerke Böllinghaus GmbH & Co. KG
Remystahl GmbH & Co KG
Ruukki Metals Oy
S+C Schmidt&Clemens - (Schmidt & Clemens GmbH & Co. KG , Edelstahlwerk Kaiserau)−
Saarstahl AG
Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH https://www.salzgitter−
Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes GmbH https://www.smst−
Sande Stahlguss GmbH https://www.sande−
Sandvik Steel AB
Schmiedewerke Gröditz GmbH https://www.stahl−
SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH Blankstahl GmbH https://www.schmolz−
Schmolz + Bickenbach Guss GmbH & Co. KG https://www.schmolz−
Stahl Judenburg - (Stahl Judenburg GmbH) https://www.stahl−
Stahlrump GmbH & Co. KG , Drahtzieherei u. Kaltwalzwerk
Stahlwerk Annahütte Max Aicher GmbH & Co. KG
Swiss Steel AG−
Tata Steel Netherlands Main Office
Tata Steel Tubes Europe Head Office
Tenaris, S.A.
ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni S.p.A. Plant Terni
Thyssenkrupp Electrical Steel GmbH
thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg GmbH https://www.hoesch−
ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein GmbH https://www.thyssenkrupp−
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG https://www.thyssenkrupp−
TSTG Schienen Technik GmbH & Co. KG
VDM Metals GmbH
voestalpine Giesserei Linz GmbH
voestalpine High Performance Metals Deutschland GmbH https://www.bohler−
voestalpine Krems GmbH
voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH & Co. KG
Walzwerke Einsal GmbH https://www.Walzwerke−
Westfälische Drahtindustrie GmbH
Wickeder Westfalenstahl GmbH
Zapp Materials Engineering GmbH
ZAPP Precision Metals GmbH
Aceros Inoxidables Olarra S.A.
Aciers du Tarn

Registration of Steel Grades

Registration Stahl-Eisen-Liste (Register of European Steel) according EN 10027-2

Producer can register here new steels in the Stahl-Eisen-Liste.

For the allocation of material numbers, which are primarily characterized by their chemical composition, please use Form 1.

For the allocation of material numbers, which are primarily characterized by their mechanical properties, please use Form 2.